Carriage Hill Farms
Today was my first time being on an actual farm.
"That's the letter 6." -Alese
It was a pretty interesting experience. I also learned that I definitely wouldn't want to live on a farm because it smelled extremely bad. It was cool to be able to pet certain animals like horses and sheep, but again, it smelled bad. We also got the chance to go inside of an older house. It definitely looked a lot different than what I was used to seeing, which was a new experience. We also went walking down different trails. Maryam and I decided to run off at one time, and it took Alese and Sidney a little while to find us. We also went across a creek, and got lost trying to find the cemetery. Most of our time was spent feeding and petting horses and walking on the trails. We also had to write a narrative about what it was like to live on a farm. It was based off of passed information that we already knew, and off of the reading we read in class. I found mine to be pretty accurate based off of what we seen today. the farm experience was new to me, and I personally wouldn't be able to live on one.
My Life on the Farm
Every day is always the same here. My family and I live on a small farm out in the middle of nowhere. We don’t really have any neighbors. My family consists of my dad, my two older twin sisters, my older brother, my younger brother, and myself. My mother died while giving birth to my younger brother. My twin sisters took charge of the “mother role” after my mom died, and are in charge of all of our household chores. Most of this includes cooking, cleaning, and sewing clothes. I try to help out when I can, but I’m usually helping my older brothers take care of the farm animals. I am now old enough to bathe all of the larger animals, feed them, and help with births, which is pretty cool in its own sense. My older brothers also help my dad with plowing the fields and maintaining the crops, since that will take up a lot time of time. Since my younger brother is still too young to do a lot, he’ll spend most of his time gathering eggs from our chickens. He enjoys is a lot for some reason, and will try to make chicken noises with the chickens. Overall, it’s a pretty busy day for all of us. We’re constantly around farm life, and don’t have that many chances to take breaks. There’s always an animal somewhere making some type of noise, and it’s pretty common to see them walking around doing their own thing since we just let them be. It doesn’t smell the best, but its home, and not being around animals constantly would be a weird feeling for me.